Our Course

Work-Based Qualifications

London School of Innovative Studies  is an accredited centre for work-based qualifications approved by the awarding body NCFE and we are fully compliant with all aspects of approval and adherence to awarding body standards. Below are a selection of our most popular courses…

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We offer a flexible distance learning approach to completing a work-based qualification and each qualification is designed so that you can progress at your own working pace. The time it takes to complete a work-based qualification can vary depending on your own working pace and environment as well as the size and level of your qualification but on average we recommend 4 to 5 hours of study a week plus the time you action. The Guided Learning Hours (GLH) can be found in the Course Summary section for each qualification.

Work-based qualifications do not usually have any formal entry requirements, in relation to prior qualifications. However, we recommend you check the qualification you are interested in for more details as this will give you a good idea about what is required. To successfully complete a work-based qualification, it is essential that you are currently working in a relevant position in the sector you wish to undertake a qualification and that you are able to read and write English to a satisfactory level.  

We will support your through our initial assessment process to ensure that you are on the right level of qualification based on your development needs and that the job you do must be varied enough to fulfil the requirements of each of the units within the qualification you choose. The mandatory units within each qualification confirm the tasks and functions you must be performing to complete the vocational qualification.

Vocational study is often referred to as ‘work-based’ and this means you should be currently working in the sector in which you wish to undertake a qualification before you can register and successfully complete the qualification. For example, if you would like to complete a work-based qualification in Customer Service, you must be currently working in a customer service role.

The job you hold does not have to be permanent or full time and there is no ‘time limit’ on how many hours you must work during the week and many of our learners have completed their qualification while working in a temporary or voluntary position. The most important thing is that the job you do must be varied enough to fulfil the requirements of each of the units within your qualification.

This is an estimate of the number of hours a learner will reasonably be required to spend in preparation, study or any other form of participation in education or training, including assessment, which takes place as directed by – but not under the immediate guidance or supervision of – a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other appropriate provider of education or training. For work-based qualifications this can include hours spent working in a relevant job role.