Pre-Enrolment Information for LSIS Students

Pre-Enrolment Information for London Innovative Studies (LSIS) Students

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements at London Innovative Studies (LSIS) vary by course type. Prospective students must meet these essential criteria to study with us:

English Language Requirements

All courses at London Innovative Studies are taught in English. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in listening, reading, writing, and speaking English.


Non-UK students must be officially accepted onto a course before applying for a visa. Upon acceptance, London Innovative Studies will provide an official letter stating the course details, including start and finish dates.

Educational Qualifications

We recognize most overseas qualifications equivalent to UK standards. Our International Advisers are available to assist with queries related to qualification equivalency at [email protected]

Specialized Entry Requirements

Some courses may require specific experience or subjects. Detailed requirements are available for each course.

Fees Payable

Upon receiving your Application for Admission, we will issue a letter of Acceptance detailing the tuition fees and course commencement date.

A course offer is contingent on fee payment. Overseas applicants can process payments through their Central Banks using the letter of acceptance.

Payment options include cash, bank draft, credit/debit card, or direct transfer to the London Innovative Studies bank account. Note: A 10% surcharge applies to balances paid after the course begins.

Documents Required at Enrolment

To enroll at London Innovative Studies, submit the following:

  • Completed Application for Admission
  • Original passport and a full copy
  • Three passport-size photographs
  • Attested photocopies of qualifications/certificates (originals must be shown during the admission procedure)
  • Proof of work experience (where applicable)
  • Sponsor’s letter (where applicable)
  • Non-refundable Registration fee of GBP 250